Deliver apps faster, cheaper, and at scale.
See what cloud can do for you.
Cloud Fitness Assessment
The cloud fitness assessment is a cloud enablement cost-benefit-analysis, determining best-fit for integrating with Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
We begin by creating a comprehensive map of your existing on-prem and cloud infrastructure.
Our model will rearrange, consolidate and reconfigure existing components with cloud/hybrid cloud components and determine cost savings in terms of resources and personnel.
Your report provides cost-savings (1 year - 5 year ROI), actionable findings to continue your cloud journey, and other key metrics.
Cloud Migration
Migrating your workload can consist of creating deployment scripts, refactoring existing code to run in the cloud, and reconfiguring on-prem infrastructure. Whatever your cloud story looks like, we will work alongside your team and pipelines to ensure a quick transition.
CICD/IaC | We use new IaC (Infrastructure as Code) tools and CICD (continuous integration/continous deployment) pipelines to make the circuit of development to production lightning fast.
Hybrid Cloud | Migrate specific components of your workload to the cloud with a hybrid cloud configuration. Leverage the advantages of both on-prem and cloud systems by connecting the two together.
Cloud Optimization
Spending a boatload on your existing cloud solution? Cloud workloads can accumulate undue costs from configuration, over-allocated resources or an over-architected solution. Our cloud experts can help discover optimizations and fine-tune your workload to make it faster and more cost-effecient. Spending a boatload on licensing expensive proprietery apps? Get out of that weighty contract with our app-dev services.